Thursday 23 September 2010

Own Cinemotography

I like this picture because the lines of the red squares draw you to the circle of light and the face the, the light source is from the circle which is shining on everything except the edges of the shot.  and the stair handle is leading towards the light from the door.

I like this picture the lines contrast(clash) also the position of the objects, we see the phone is alone while the over objects are all together. This picture has a lot of lines going in different ways which makes it interesting.

I like this picture because of the lighting and the lines on the lockers. The line of the lockers are drawing attention to the other lines of lockers but the lighting is making you focus on the 1st set of lockers so both of the lines and the lighting is doing the opposite to each other which makes this photo interesting.

I like this photo becuase the lines of the stairs separate the lighting  because where the coins are its dark but the other side of the stairs are bright. The coins that are flat is going the same line direction of the stairs which makes it interesting.

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